Every now and then I'll have a very vivid and exciting dream that I like to write down. I call them "Movie Dreams" because they are pretty interesting or weird and
often have some kind of wacky plot. I am regular old me in the vast majority of my dreams (albeit sometimes with super powers added on). On rare occasions though I'll
have a dream in which I'm not in it at all (I must be too expensive to cast, a star of my caliber), although I still assume the role of the main character, whoever
or whatever they happen to be. Some dreams seem to be loosely based on places and events that happen in real life, but others are just completely bizarre and seem
to have nothing to do with anything but are still fun to watch regardless. The one constant in virtually all of my dreams is gravity. I don't have flying dreams. If
there's nothing but air below you, you fall.
Raw Dream Log. Click the left image to view a raw dream log I will be keeping. Random mornings I will write down whatever dream I was having when I woke up
even if I hardly remember anything. Any dreams that rise to the quality of "movie dreams" will be placed along with the others down below.